1. 1

    Your business just suffered serious damage and you are wondering what you need to do to expedite financial and operational recovery.

  2. 2

    You call your insurance company and wait for an adjuster to arrive, assuming you’ll receive what your insurance policy states you’re covered for. Afterall, that’s why you’ve been paying your insurance premiums all along, right?

  3. 3

    As a client of your insurance company, your claim is now a liability on its financial statements.

We Can Help

Knowing everything you possibly can about the "fine print" of your insurance policy before you have substantive dialogue with your carrier is critical. Understanding what you are covered for and how to claim it is where our experience starts to be of value.

Choosing what to say to your insurance company's adjuster and how you say it makes a dramatic difference in how much and how quickly you get paid. Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International's public adjusters are experts in insurance claim negotiation.

The more you know, the better the results, so turn to the firm who has been in the field since 1924 and has the repertoire of satisfied clients to prove it. 

Factors To Consider

Be sure to understand each of the following factors before engaging with the insurance company. Knowledge is the key to a successful claim outcome.

  • Can I continue to pay my employees?
  • Can I compensate employees who help with cleaning or restoration?
  • How quickly can I start rebuilding?
  • Is the insurance company using an independent building or equipment consultant to prepare a bid? Who are these consultants and who are they working for?
  • Are replacement properties an option for me? Would a lease purchase strategy be beneficial?
  • What happens if I open my business elsewhere and I am successful? What happens if I am not successful?
  • What about temporary production in other owned or non-owned locations? What happens at the end of my claim?
  • Does my insurance policy cover the cost to replace employees' personal property and/or tools?

...We are a service company that strives to put our customers first. In all businesses of service, if you cannot deliver the customer will go somewhere else. The service Globe Midwest™ performed for our company was a top-notch effort from start to finish. We were never completely shut down after the fire and much of the credit can be attributed to Globe Midwest™. ...

Jim Vivian III
Alpena Electric Motor Service

Select References

  • AutoLign Manufacturing Group
  • Don Scharf Automotive, Inc.
  • Hastings Auto Parts, Inc.
  • TMI Industries, Inc.
  • APB Transportation
  • BCK Repair
  • Bill's Tire
  • Gilreath Manufacturing, Inc.
  • Glassman Olds
  • Great Lakes Motor Coach
  • Holly Automotive Supply, Inc.
  • Jeffrey Buick
  • John R. Spring Service, Inc.
  • Midas Muffler of Petoskey
  • Motor City Stamping, Inc.
  • Motor Coach Restoration
  • Newberry Motor, Inc.
  • Payne Auto, Inc.
  • Potamkin Companies
  • Putnam Hitch Products U.S.A.
  • R.E.D. Auto Parts
  • Schweiss Welding Inc
  • Seating Concepts, Inc.
  • Shamrock Ford
  • Spartan Tire
  • Stag's Collision Service
  • Titan International, Inc.
  • Two Shot Manufacturing
  • Webberville Oil
  • Woody's Towing

Who We've Helped