If a Grand Haven fire, tornado or burst pipe has damaged your home, business, or commercial property, your insurance company will send out a team of experts, working on their behalf, to assess the damage. It’s critical to understand that you have the right to your own team of experts. At Globe Midwest™, our Michigan public adjusters work solely on your behalf, advocating for your needs as a policyholder, guiding you through the process and negotiating for a fair and just settlement.

What Type of Property Damage Is Common in Grand Haven, Michigan?

Adjusters International Residential Fire Damage Claim

Fire Damage

A commercial property fire or house fire can destroy both the structure of the building and all of the contents inside. Your number one concern should be the safety of your employees or family, and getting back to business as soon as possible. Let Globe Midwest™’s public adjusters manage your claim and fully recoup your losses.

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Adjusters International Storm Claim

Business Interruption

If your business or commercial property suffers damage, the road to recovery can be long and arduous with your entire financial future riding on the outcome. The only way to ensure you recover the full scope of your loss is to enlist the expertise of a full-service public adjusting and forensic accounting firm to calculate revenue loss and extra expense incurred during the recovery process.

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Burst Water Pipe

Water Damage

Grand Haven water damage is extremely common, especially in the cold winter months. Pipes freeze and burst, and the water can destroy everything in its path, including the building’s foundation. If you’re dealing with water damage, be sure to get the most from your property damage insurance claim settlement with the help of a public adjuster.

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Tornado Approaching a Residence

Tornado Damage

Michigan has a history of significant tornadoes coming through and damaging commercial and residential properties. A Grand Haven tornado could set your business back for months—and if not properly handled could result in an unstable financial future. Our experts expedite the insurance claim process and negotiate for a maximized settlement so you can get back to business sooner.

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Why Do You Need a Grand Haven Public Adjuster?

As the dust begins to settle from a recent disaster, you are faced with an insurance claim settlement process that must be addressed. With very little time and no experience with such claims, you are not properly equipped to handle this alone. Our Grand Haven team is dedicated to leveling the playing field for you to protect your right to a fair settlement.

Why Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International?

As the oldest and largest public adjusting firm in the Midwest, Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International has been helping property owners manage their fire and water damage claims since 1924. Our public adjusters have the experience and expertise you want in your corner when your livelihood is on the line.

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