California Wildfire Help for Homeowners and Business Owners

Major property damage and fire insurance claims are a common problem in Michigan. That is why it is critical to be prepared with a reputable licensed public adjuster who will have your back if the need arises.

What Type of Property Damage Is Common in Michigan?

Commercial Fire Damage

Commercial Property Fires

From hotels to apartment complexes to office buildings, commercial property fires cost billions in damage a year nationwide. Common commercial property fire damage includes:

  • Structural damage
  • Contents damage
  • Business interruption
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Adjusters International Storm Claim

Business Interruption

For the manufacturing, hospitality, and multifamily housing industries, property damage claims are particularly complex. These claims require a licensed public adjusting team, including a forensic accountant to ensure a fair and just settlement that will cover the loss of revenue and extra expense during the disaster recovery process. Business interruption, when not handled properly can lead to an unstable financial future.

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homeowner water panel

Burst Pipe Water Damage

Considering the frigid winter temperatures, frozen pipes are incredibly common. Just an eighth-inch crack in a pipe can dump up to 250 gallons of water on floors and furniture per day.

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Flooded Residential Neighborhood


Michigan flooding is common and, historically, severe flooding has caused an enormous amount of damage to homes and businesses.

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Adjusters International Residential Fire Damage Claim

House Fires

A space heater fire can put your financial future on the line—they average approximately $560 million in damage a year, nationwide. And given that space heaters are heavily used in Michigan, they are a significant source of property damage.

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Why Do You Need a Michigan Public Adjuster?

Property damage happens. Considering the subzero winter temperatures, unpredictable severe weather events, and quickly rising water levels in recent years — to only name a few factors — more damage is sure to occur.

It is smart to plan ahead and connect with a local ally who is licensed to advocate for you in the insurance claim process if and when the need arises.

Why Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International?

Our public adjusters at Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International have extensive experience handling every type of Michigan property damage and have helped more than 15,000 policyholders get the settlement they deserve from their insurance claim.

We are experts at getting you every dime you are entitled to, and we work diligently until we succeed.

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