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CEO Ethan Gross met with The Detroit Jewish News' Monica Drake this week to continue spreading awareness about the humanitarian disaster in Ukraine. 

Since returning home from helping the Jewish community overseas in Berlin, Germany, where the Mishpachah Orphanage of Odessa, Ukraine, moved temporarily since Russia’s invasion, and the city of Odessa itself, Mr. Gross has made it a priority to continue his philanthropic efforts in Michigan. 

"It seems like the rest of the world has already forgotten about us," several Ukrainians told Mr. Gross when he recently visited the country.

While thinking of ways he could make the world remember Mr. Gross came up with the idea to put together a coalition of Metro Detroit congregational and business leaders to work together to support the Jewish community in Ukraine. Chairman and President Bobby Levin, COO Carl Gross, and Managing Partner Danielle Levin Gabbard immediately supported Mr. Gross' idea of sponsoring a Detroit/Ukraine Jewish Community Unity Event.

With winter setting in and infrastructure in Ukraine under constant attack, the need for this type of initiative is greater than ever. This reality solidified Mr. Gross' decision to host the Detroit/Ukraine Jewish Community Unity Event before the end of the year. Many synagogues and other organizations were very receptive to participating, which helped bring Mr. Gross' idea to life.

The event will take place on Monday, Dec. 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Congregation Shaarey Zedek in Southfield, MI. Rabbi Mendel Moskowitz will be a featured speaker, sharing his harrowing escape from Kharkov along with Judi Garrett, the COO of Jewish Relief Network Ukraine USA. She will update everyone on current conditions and needs of the Jewish community in Ukraine.

Attendees are asked to bring new coats, gloves, or hats to donate. The winter clothing will be shipped to Ukraine and distributed to the Jewish community by the JRNU. Attendees will also participate in a message of unity that will be recorded at the event and shared with the Ukrainian Jewish community.

“Every little bit helps, whether it’s $5 or $500, or you’re making bracelets, driving an ambulance across the border, or just giving a Coke and a smile. Whatever it is, it all adds up. People in Ukraine still need our support, our thoughts, our prayers, and our donations. We can all make a difference,” Mr. Gross told Drake in the exclusive interview.

To register to attend the unity event, visit Mr. Gross’ website. If you cannot attend but wish to show your support by donating to the Jewish Relief Network Ukraine, click here, select donate and choose “Detroit Campaign for Ukraine and JRNU” from the dropdown menu.

To read the full story published by The Detroit Jewish News click here.