Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International was recently featured on the Detroit-based community news site, The Jewish News. The article, titled “Insurance Assurance: Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International has had Jewish Roots for Generations,” highlights the story of how Globe Midwest™/AI came to be.

The article quotes Globe Midwest™/AI’s CEO Ethan Gross, “Legend has it that in 1924, my great-grandfather, Abe Mackey, had a friend whose house caught fire... He wanted to borrow some money for repairs. Abe agreed to loan him the money but wanted to handle the claim to make sure there were enough insurance proceeds to pay back the loan. That’s when he became a public adjuster.”

The story goes on to share how Carl and Ethan Gross, Bobby Levin, and Danielle Levin Gabbard are carrying on their families’ traditions with the good work that they do.

Click HERE to read the article in full.