Your property has been damaged and you need to file a claim for compensation. According to your policy, you should be covered for the damages, but that doesn’t mean your claim will be approved or that you’ll receive the full amount needed to repair the damages. There are a few things you can do to boost your odds of maximizing your settlement.
Build a Collection of Evidence
You need clear evidence of the damages your property suffered to show what happened and what needs to be repaired or replaced. The more detailed your evidence, the more likely it is you’ll receive the full settlement you need.
Take as many photos of the damage as possible, including photos from multiple angles where possible. List out all of the damages, including exactly what was damaged, what is needed to repair or replace it, and how much it’s going to cost to repair or replace it.
Get Estimates from Professionals
Obtain professional estimates for the damages to your property and what will need to be done to fully restore the property to the way it was before the damages occurred. Professional estimates show exactly what was damaged and exactly how much you’ll need to repair your property so the insurance company cannot try to offer you a lower amount of money. This will help minimize the chance you’ll need to cover anything out of pocket. It also gives you the chance to see exactly what you need so you can compare it with any settlement you’re offered.
Keep Up with the Claim
Follow up on your claim. Just because you’ve filed a claim doesn’t mean you can sit back and wait. You’ll want to make sure you keep in touch with the insurance company to see how your claim is being processed and to ensure you remain up to date about what’s happening. If you are denied coverage or offered a settlement amount that’s far too low, do not just accept this. Instead, learn what you can do to appeal the denial or to request a higher settlement amount.
Know Your Rights
You have certain rights when it comes to filing a claim and to obtaining a settlement. Read through your claim and learn about local laws that can dictate the amount you can receive as well as other details of obtaining a settlement. This could come in handy and help you obtain the maximum amount as quickly as possible. The more you know, the easier it is for you to make sure you receive the settlement you deserve.
Get Help When You Need It
Even if you originally file the claim on your own, you may reach a point where you need help. Public adjusters are there to help you through the claims process and are going to try to maximize the settlement you obtain from the insurance company. They are not the adjusters who work for the insurance company. They work for you and will try to help you get as much money as possible for your claim. Working with a public adjuster can help you significantly boost the settlement you obtain.
Successfully Navigating Your Homeowners Insurance Claim
Dealing with a disaster recovery for your home is no easy task. Download Successfully Navigating Your Homeowners Insurance Claim as a resource to help you through the turmoil.