You have to file a property or business interruption insurance claim, and you think you can do it alone.

However, you quickly realize there’s a difference between “having” insurance and understanding“how to read” your insurance policy to make sure you get the fair and just settlement you’re entitled to receive.

Once you get past the shock of your business being interrupted or your property being destroyed, you soon realize that making a property and/or business interruption insurance claim becomes a full-time job — and it’s one that requires many kinds of expertise that you most likely do not have.

All that work is in addition to the daily responsibilities you have in your personal and professional lives.

Are there trusted, licensed professionals who can help?

Yes; they’re called public adjusters.

Simply put, insurance companies have expertise in handling property insurance claims. It’s part of their business model. They have their own property claims division and outside experts that specialize in insurance claims and the amount of money they pay out for claims.

And then there’s you — who most likely hasn’t had a large property loss in your life. And if you have had a loss, you haven’t had hundreds of them. So, the playing field isn’t level — at a time when you need it leveled the most — unless you have a licensed public adjuster.

Public adjusters are licensed by their state to exclusively represent you, the policyholder, during the property insurance claim process to ensure a fair and just settlement.

Competent public adjusting firms offer you:

  1. Access to a team of licensed professionals who can help ensure the physical and financial recovery of your property or business.
  2. A licensed advocate who exclusively works on your behalf and not for the insurance company.
  3. Experts who will prepare and package a detailed claim and negotiate with the insurance company.

When you suffer major property damage, or your business has been interrupted by an event that came out of nowhere, having a public adjuster on your side will save you time, money and sanity — while securing the settlement you deserve.

For nearly a century, Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International public adjusters have successfully represented thousands of clients and secured billions of dollars in settlements for policyholders in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest.

Blog Article by Stuart Dorf, JD — Senior Vice President of Business Development, Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International