Watch an interview with Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International’s Chairman & President, Bobby Levin, SPPA, and WMYD Channel 20 Detroit.

When a business owner or homeowner suffers a significant property loss, it is crucial to properly prepare the property insurance claim. While you are trying to reestablish your business or home, your claim must meet requirements and deadlines. You have two options:

1. Hire an advocate independent of your insurance company – a Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International public adjuster – to help you prepare the claim and negotiate a fair settlement.


2. Allow your insurance company to have its own adjuster assess your damage as it presents you with a settlement offer.

Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International provides business owners and homeowners with an explanation and interpretation of their policy and coverage and provides them with their options. The ultimate goal is to put the insured in a better position than they were before the loss.

Your insurance policy is one of the most important contracts that you will ever enter into. The problem is that hardly anyone reads it and understands it. A public adjuster is a specialist in property insurance claims who advocates for you. We guide you every step of the way.

Watch Interview