If your business has been damaged or destroyed by an event that came out of nowhere and you are planning to make an insurance claim, please read on.

While these types of unexpected events can be very traumatic, you will soon need to deal with the burden of preparing and documenting a detailed property insurance claim in order to recover fully from your loss.

When you’ve had a property damage event, you’ll be approached by various people offering to help in different ways and offering varying recommendations They will include professionals and vendors who make their livings by helping either the policyholder or the insurance company in similar situations. At this point, most policyholders don’t know what to do.

That’s why above all, you will want to choose a licensed public adjuster to represent you with your claim. We are the partner you need to advocate for you to get a full and fair settlement.

There are many things to think about after experiencing damage to your business — including your customers, employees, and your livelihood. Unfortunately, in addition to addressing the property damage, you also need to be concerned about properly preparing and documenting a business interruption insurance claim so you can get back to business soon. After all, your successful financial recovery will depend on the outcome of your insurance claim, especially the business interruption component.

There are significant accounting components connected to your business interruption claim and your insurance policy contains specific formulas for calculating that loss.

Because calculating business interruption claims requires special expertise, it is important to be sure your licensed public adjuster has a licensed forensic accountant on staff.

At Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International, our experienced, on-staff forensic accountants will immediately start working on your claim. They know how to apply the formulas, analyze the true scope of income loss from your property damage, and prepare your claim to reflect the full monetary value of your loss. Our expertise is a big reason why accounting firms of all sizes feel comfortable referring their clients to Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International. We ensure that their clients get the fair and full amount they are due.

Call us today to learn how we can get you the settlement you deserve.

Blog Article by Stuart Dorf, JD — Senior Vice President of Business Development, Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International

For nearly a century, Globe Midwest™ Adjusters International Public Adjusters have successfully represented thousands of clients and secured billions of dollars in settlements for policyholders in Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and the Greater Midwest.